I'm sorry I don't blog here much, usually way busy with other things but wanted to write a bit on my experience of hearing residual music in real time and for the first time ever. I don't know if many of you have ever heard such a thing but let me tell you, I thought I was going crazy at the time. It was dead silent as three of us sat in the upper hall way of the Masonic Lodge in Granite City. All of the sudden I start to hear a melody playing which you can hear the evp on our evp page. I am so glad it was captured on our digital recorders because I know I wasn't crazy and did in fact hear this. It played on for several seconds and then just stopped. I wasn't feeling anything strange around me the whole time we were there but Matt and Marcella got chills or felt strange and as soon as they did, we picked up more evps with some "hellos", "come help us", "help me", "hey" and I wish I knew what to do after hearing these things. How does a living person help a spirit really? I'm not sure if we should go back and tell them to go to the light or what exactly. It just makes me wonder why a soul would need help in the first place. Something we will probably never know. 

Thanks for reading. 

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